Massage Therapy in Luton and Hitchin

Massage therapy has both physiological and psychological effects which help alleviate long held tension in your muscles and also help you to feel in a more relaxed state.

Massages are a good way to relax and to relieve the everyday strain and tension that we put our bodies under.

Our techniques can help your muscles release long-held tension helping you feel more relaxed.

If you’re in need of a massage because you’re carrying an injury and you feel that massage therapy in Hitchin & Luton clinics would benefit you, then we can help.

Our deep tissue massage is invigorating and has a positive effect on reducing your stress levels. By applying firm and forceful pressure we aim to relieve the buildup in your muscles which causes tension.

Neck & Back Massage Therapy

Lower back pain usually responds well to a slow, deep massage. If the muscles in your back are going into spasm or are tighter than they should be applying sustained pressure can help lengthen and relax the muscles and relieve pain.

If you are sat hunched over a desk for long hours every day, this can cause neck ache if left untreated.  The ache can spread to nearby muscles which tense-up in order to try to protect the sore area.

Precise massage of your neck will work on specific muscles to help you stretch out tight areas and relieve tension.


Massage Consultation

Your first visit with us will consist of an initial consultation so we fully understand your needs. Our fully qualified and expert masseurs will be able to deliver a massage that will be tailored to your needs. The particular massage techniques will be carried out firmly enough to be effective whilst paying due regard to any discomfort experienced.

Massages should be invigorating rather than painful, so please let your therapist know if you find it uncomfortable.

Our therapists are all members of the International Council of Holistic Therapists and are therefore bound by their codes of conduct and professionalism.

If you require massage therapy treatment, then please call to book your appointment today. For massage at Hitchin call: 01462 420077, for massage at Luton call: 01582 579687.


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Book an Appointment

Call Luton: 01582 579687 or Hitchin: 01462 420077 or

Book Online


Opening Hours

9:00 - 7:00
9:00 - 7:00
9:00 - 7:00
9:00 - 7:00
9:00 - 6:00
9:00 - 1:00